Raether’s Enzyme launched to modest fanfare last week. The event marked the first time its cover was seen by anyone outside the small circle involved with A Dance with Designers. Established authors include a cover reveal event as part of the lead-up to a book’s release. Given how late in the game I committed to the final cover design and the small audience for a reveal, I decided to defer the reveal to the book’s launch.
The social media ads and assets I prepared in A Dream of Launching featured the cover at thumbnail size and exploited design elements extracted from the cover art, but they didn’t give the cover the stage to itself. It’s time to correct that. But first…
A look back
The cover has come a far since my first crude experiments.

Left to right: First Dev Art Proof, Improved Dev Art, First Pro Art (Matte), Pro Art (Glossy), Enhanced Colors Matte, Launch Colors Glossy
Now witness the artpower of this fully developed and released book cover!

Cover Design: Stewart A. Williams.
Cover photos by Pawel Czerwinski, Rodion Kutsaev, Roman Mager, Annie Spratt, Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona, all on Unsplash.
It’s really something. Just what that something is, I won’t dictate to you. I believe it embodies themes and ideas from the story with a strange beauty that conveys an honest promise. If the cover intrigues you, there’s a good chance that the story will satisfy you. That is my hope.